LUMO Serves Up Support For The Hospitality Community

LUMO Digital Outdoor is lending a hand to help Chooice’s marketplace of local entrepreneurs across the country get back on their feet following the recent lockdowns.
As Auckland enters Alert Level 3 and hospitality establishments prepare to re-engage with customers, an initiative called ‘Help for Hospo’ has been launched to provide additional support to hospitality workers who need immediate financial help.
Through donated screens across the country,LUMO is encouraging people to donate, and for media owners to get on board to support the cause however they can. Approximately 170,000 are employed within theNew Zealand hospitality industry - including baristas, bartenders, cleaners, chefs, wait staff, and more. Nearly 40% are concentrated in Auckland.
“Lockdown has left someof ourfavourite local restaurants, bars and venues reeling. Help for Hospo has been set up to provide directfinancial support those struggling tomake ends meet – LUMO areproud to be getting behind this initiative and we implore others in theindustry to get involved however they can.” Hamish Smith, CMO of LUMO
The initiative will distribute donated funds to those who work within the industry and need extra support to make ends meet.The #helpforhospo fund was created by Blair Duncan, Managing Director ofRed+White Cellar, who has led the initiative by donating $10,000. This figure has now been matched through donations by other businesses and individuals.
Blair, a supplier to many outlets within the industry, was inspired to act and created the initiative after hearing stories of hospitality workers struggling with the impact and fallout of COVID19: “I was really affected by some of the stories I was hearing. I just really wanted to help and in talking to others, I found others did too. We’ve been able to pull this together over the last few days, despite the complexity of developing fair and secure processes to distribute money.”
Says Blair, “This community serves us on a daily basis - from our morning coffee, to lunch on the run and special dinners with family and friends. But right now, there are people who need our support, we see it as our turn to serve.”